The Real Christmas
Article by Mike Trainer
Many people, for an array of reasons perceive Christmas more as mythical rather than factual, it appears highly unlikely that the birth of Jesus was even in December, let alone on the 25th and it also seems that Jesus was born around 4 BC rather than the year 0, as some suggest, but those points are insignificant in comparison to the whether it is a factual event, because able to be proven as factual, as our website name states, IT CHANGES EVERYTHING.
Not that I have done the official count, but there appears to be a large total (over 200 of which none were closer than 400 years before) of prophecies in the Old Testament of the Bible in regards to a person who was to be born miraculously, at a specific time, in a specific town, who would live a certain type of life, who would die a certain way and who would bust through death (I know it sounds extreme) and reappear to those he was with before he died, to talk with and to eat with, and the story goes on. Of itself, it is a great story even if only fictional, but if it is true it is amazing in every sense of the word, have a read and see what you think, it’s an everything to gain, nothing to lose scenario.
I was never aware that there is a prophecy in the Book of Daniel that stated in the time of the Roman empire there would be events that proved beyond any reasonable doubt, that there is a divine creator of all things, who was to intervene in the affairs of mankind and establish a Kingdom on earth, that would be without end. That is one thing, but even more astounding is what is later stated in Daniel, which is the exact time of these happenings that would take place, written and recorded, almost 500 years prior.
“…Micah spoke of Jesus’ birth and named Bethlehem as the place this would happen…”
Did you know, that approximately 750 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, one of the Old Testament prophets, Micah, spoke of Jesus’ birth and named Bethlehem as the place this would happen, that of itself is incredible, but also that Bethlehem would be a place of insignificance, which apparently it was, scholars today suggesting that in its time Bethlehem was one of at least 200villages/towns in the described area and that it was unlikely its population exceeded a few hundred.
Isaiah, also an OT prophet spoke of this special time, describing (in chapters 7&9 ) a Son, GIVEN, born of a virgin, who would be wonderful, whose kingdom would haveno end and how that God would perform all this by his zeal, as he has done and he will continue to do, it is written in scripture and as Jesus himself said, several times, the scripture cannot be broken, if God has inspired individual to speak it will come to pass, period.
But here’s the thing, as amazing as the prophecies spoken of his birth and the fulfilment be, it is not the issue, it should be marvelled at because it is marvellous and it should be rejoiced over, not only because it happened but even more importantly, it happened for us, for our good, to heal our lost and bothered state, both individually and for mankind in general.
So often we purchase a Christmas tree to put presents under, why do we do that? I mean there is no specific mention of a tree at the birth of Christ, but maybe it symbolises the importance of the Tree of life and the gifts it provides, which unfortunately mankind chooses to neglect, so that his mind can be consumed with the issues of everyday life whether they be good or bad, or as mentioned in Genesis, good or evil. Maybe in some way it is a reference to the wooden cross Jesus was nailed to so that death might be destroyed, maybe there is no reason at all, without desiring to sound at all callous it actually doesn’t really matter.
The gifts under the tree are a focal point on Christmas day, it so, feel good, to give someone who you care for, a gift, and it is even better to see them light up as they (especially children) appreciate what it is. Accordingly, the God who cares immensely for every person, hopes we remember that his Son was given, not just to be born miraculously, but to live as a shining light and the to Die, as a gift, for us,which is exactly what he did, so that as much as we love seeing people appreciate gifts we give, we might realise that God rejoices over us receiving the gifts he has purchased for us, specifically the gift of his Son and then the beautiful Gift of the Holy Spirit which was purchased for us by the so, so, so, loving gesture of his Son giving his life for all of us.
A still from the movie Crazy Rich Asians.
“…it reminds us again that we are greatly loved by God…”
Recently I went to and enjoyed the movie, Crazy Rich Asians. The plot is the classic, poor to rich, girl to princess, frog to prince type theme, in this case, a girl called Rachel meets a young man who is attracted to her (and her to him also). What she doesn’t know is that he is from the richest family in Singapore and therefore it, the relationship that is, supposedly can’t and won’t work. But he loves her and as a result is prepared to forfeit everything he has that he win her, which he did and without wanting to sound like a sop, it was lovely and just between you and me, I actually welled up and did feel something wet slip down one of my cheeks (don’t tell anyone), but not because of what I was seeing on the screen but because it reminded me of what God is like and what was given up that he might propose to us, on his knee, so to speak, and it reminds us again that we are greatly loved by God and us being separate, was and is, completely unacceptable.
The gift that God wants us to have is spoken of in Ezekiel 11 and it is the gift that opens our spiritual eyes. The gift is a new heart (mind) which replaces what God describes as a stony heart. This is achieved by receiving the gift of a new Spirit, which is the Holy Spirit, metaphorically speaking our stony heart is replaced with a heart of flesh. God graciously informs us through Ezekiel that this priceless gift will enable and encourage us to embrace the great things God has made available and as a result he will be our God and we shall be his people, which is staggering because we are reminded in Romans 8 that if God be for us, who or what is against that is inconsequential, where we are reminded again, if he GAVE his only Son, how much more would he supply for all things, promising that we are more than conquerors through everything life throws our way and that nothing, yes, absolutely nothing is able to separate us from Gods commitment to us, even death is rendered powerless such is the complete victory obtained by Jesus willingly dying for us.
“…when your heart is softened by receiving and being inspired by the Holy Spirit, you will be able to see afar off…”
Chronologically, the book of Job is thought to be the oldest of all Bible writings and even here the beauty of a renewed heart is mentioned, firstly Job mentions that the hand of God touched him and he does state that God makes his heart soft, this helps explain the profound statement made by Job, when he said “I know that my Redeemer lives and that he shall stand at the latter days upon the dust: and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh SHALL I SEE GOD: whom I shall see for myself and ON MY SIDE, mine eyes shall behold him and not a stranger. This is what happens when your heart is softened by receiving and being inspired by the Holy Spirit, you will be able to see afar off, both what happened back in time (in regards to the Great work of God) and into the future like Job did, it is the realm of the miraculous and it is available to everybody. The apostle Paul was a very inspirational person and it was because of this ability to see back and forward in time, he said Jesus loved him and died for him, it wasn’t a meaningless, vague historical event, it was the most critical thing in his life and he personalised it, as we should and can. Oh to be like Paul and to boldly state that for THE cause, the one whereby there is eternity made available, for that cause Paul said he bows his knees, meaning he humbly admits, this is the cause of all causes which we should endeavour to be in agreement with, this is big-time.
Everything, up to this point in time, in the Bible that was spoken to come to pass, has come to pass, it is the miracle of the ages, an absolute wonder that in the process of time, only glows brighter. In the near future we have some incredible events to look forward to, sadly there will be tensions on earth that will not be pleasant, but they will end at the imminent 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, he will establish his magnificent kingdom on earth, the one he died to make it accessible to Mankind, the one that will provide the following, No more death, no more sorrow, no more tears and no as you celebrate Christmas this year don’t forget you are precious to your creator and that he has purchased a gift for you that far exceeds the value of anything of this world.