The First Coming of Jesus Christ
Article by Mike Trainer
I have never done the actual count, but have read that there are over 200 prophecies that specifically deal with the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the amazing event 50 days after his death, where ordinary people received the unspeakable gift of the Holy Spirit, as recorded in Acts 2.
The birth of Jesus Christ.
From the first chapters of Genesis to the last chapters of the Old Testament, this coming event was spoken of in explicit detail, so that there could be no confusion and ensuring we get the facts right on such an important issue. It was specifically foretold that God, somehow in Christ, would die a horrendous death on behalf of every person and that mankind would have an (optional) escape route from ugly, cruel mortality.
“For me, it was this that confirmed beyond doubt that Jesus Christ died for mankind…”
We are informed, in prophecies given hundreds of years before the events occurred, of his miraculous birth, of how and where it would be – literally in the little city of Bethlehem. We are informed of the ordered death of the children of Israel under the age of 2yrs. We are told by a prophecy of Daniel of the exact year Christ would start his amazing ministry, and that the ministry would be only three and a half years in duration. We are told of John the Baptist. We are informed of his miraculous works. We are informed that a close acquaintance would sell Jesus out for 30 pieces of silver, that He would be forsaken by the disciples, and that He would die a death of horror. The details foretelling his death are explicit, mentioned by several prophets, sometimes many times. For example, that people would draw lots for his clothing, or that as he died for us he would ask for a drink to quench his thirst and that he would be given vinegar. The list goes on and on. it is a big list, which we should all know, and why should we know it? Because this is THE issue of life, the one happening we either accept or reject. For me, it was this that confirmed beyond doubt that Jesus Christ died for mankind, where and when it was spoken of, and that it was He who fulfilled every single prophecy, perfectly.
And that is why it is so critically important that this happening on Earth, out of the zillions of issues that come our way during this life, is the one of which our very essence—our soul—pleads for an honest evaluation. How we respond to this event literally determines our eternal status. This is important.
Jesus performing the miracle of the loaves a fishes.
“We are informed that no man EVER spoke like Jesus, and isn’t that a fact?”
Jesus was amazing. Firstly because of how his life fulfilled all the incredible prophecies spoken of about Him, but maybe even more because of the exceptional person he was. The Gospels tell us of many things that he did. We are informed that no man EVER spoke like Jesus, and isn’t that a fact? When speaking of the Kingdom of God, he didn’t hold back the punches; and good on him! That is how you are meant to be when you represent the Truth of Life. A great example of this was when he talked with a man called Nicodemus in John 3. No beating about the bush, just as is, where is, truth. He was told that if he wanted to enter the Kingdom of God, he must be born again, of water (most likely water baptism) and of the Spirit (as received in Acts 2-10-19). But it wasn’t just that honesty. Jesus spoke mercy to people who others thought didn’t deserve it. He was caring for ordinary (lost) man, and wherever possible he assisted people to grasp that mortality is a curse and should not be acceptable to any person. Jesus healed all who came to Him. He rejoiced over making people whole—physically, mentally and spiritually— and as the Bible graciously reminds us all, He changes not. He is still the same, which obviously means the same applies today for any who are courageous enough to seek Him.
The only time Jesus showed strong opposition to people was when He severely rebuked the religious leaders of his time (See Matthew 22). Jesus despised the pathetic traditions of powerless religion. He despised people being burdened by self-righteous fraudsters and He despised the actions of those who claimed they were representing God, when in fact they actually opposed God’s standard. Don’t be put off by Churchianity, which is the folly of man’s version of Bible Christianity. Jesus proved the limitless ability of God. He multiplied loaves and fishes and fed 5000, no worries! He stilled storms that terrified seasoned fishermen, walked on water, loved the innocence of children, and was genuinely concerned for the well-being of everybody. And yet for all of that and so much more, it was only three and a half years after his baptism in the Jordan River, that THE WHOLE CITY of Jerusalem came out crying, “Crucify him! Crucify him! At the tender age of 33 years he gave his beautiful life, so that death might not be our end. How good is that!!!
Jesus’ tomb.
“…they heard the three most precious words that have been spoken to anybody, anywhere, at any time, “HE IS RISEN.”
After his death, Jesus was placed in a tomb, as was prophesied, and just to prevent any confusion, Roman soldiers were commanded to guard the large stone that was over the entrance of the tomb. For three days it appeared it was all over. Everybody, even including the disciples, forgot this was God’s work—the God of the Bible, the God who is limitless, and more to the point, the God who said his beloved Son would not stay in corruption (death) for more than three days. And as recorded in Mark 16 (you’ve got to read that chapter) on that incredible day—only three days after his slaughter—in the early morning the women went to the tomb. To their amazement the stone was rolled aside, and as they entered into the sepulchre they saw what appeared to be a young man clothed in white robes. They were frightened (as you would be) and the person in the white robes said, “Don’t be frightened, seek Jesus of Nazareth which was crucified.” I would imagine they would have just nodded their heads as they wondered if what they were seeing and hearing was actually real, and then they heard the three most precious words that have been spoken to anybody, anywhere, at any time, “HE IS RISEN.” Seriously it doesn’t ever get better than this! He who displayed a life well beyond our comprehension couldn’t be held by death and now lives forever more. Unbelievable—BUT TRUE!
Jesus stayed with the disciples and other followers for a further 40 days after His resurrection and as is written in the Bible, He showed himself to be alive by many infallible proofs. He ate and drank with the disciples. He let Thomas touch his healed wounds. He literally commanded his followers to wait in Jerusalem for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit—the event prophesied of in Joel approximately 800 years BC, where the eternal Spirit of God would enter a person by the greatest miracle that can happen to anybody, anywhere and at any time. Jesus told them that John the Baptist baptised with water, but they (the disciples etc) would be baptised by the Holy Spirit. Then, 50 days after his awful death, on a day called Pentecost, while praying in the upper room, 120 of His followers received the Holy Spirit, with the tangible evidence of speaking in tongues (read Acts 1&2).
I have read of a diligent person who worked out the odds of only eight of the prophecies concerning Christ’s first coming being fulfilled. The odds were apparently equivalent to the state of Texas being covered by American quarters up to 600 millimetres (2ft) deep, with just one of those coins marked so it was different, then blind-folding a person and asking them to find that one particular coin. Highly unlikely, I would think, and that is for only eight of the prophecies. So just imagine the odds for over 200!
As I mentioned earlier in this book, my interest level in anything biblical was virtually non-existent up until I was baptised by full immersion, and I so easily could have by-passed who and what Jesus Christ is. I have lived both of the options available for life: I have lived without the Holy Spirit in my life and I have lived with the Holy Spirit in my life, so I am in a good position to make a reasonable judgement. I won’t rabbit on; but I will say that I fully endorse what Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 (Jesus speaking) “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” That is very little to ask when the consequences are so colossal.