Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel’s story in Babylon
Article by Mike Trainer
There are many hundreds of varying prophecies in the Bible and obviously we haven’t the time or space to evaluate them all, so I’ve selected some that I think are mega-beneficial for everybody to know. The prophecies are not in chronological order, but hopefully there is a connecting flow, so it is easier to understand. As you have most likely picked already, I’m a bit of a simple Joe type of person, so this book contains nothing too complicated or mind-boggling, just very interesting facts that we should to consider.
The first prophecy we will look at is from the book of Daniel. it was most likely spoken around 602BC, at the time when the Great Kingdom of Babylon was at its absolute peak. Daniel’s country (the Judah portion of Israel) had been invaded and conquered by Babylonian military forces and Daniel was one of a group of selected youths that were taken back to Babylon to stand in the king’s palace (Dan 1:4). Daniel was most likely around 17 years old, so it would have been extremely traumatic for him. But he held his own and never lost sight of the fact that the God of Israel was righteous and His laws, perfect.
Daniel was a remarkable person – even as a teenager he was inspirational. He was the sort of person you love being around and what happened in Daniel chapter 2 is a classic example as to why.
King Nebuchadnezzar.
The king of Babylon was man called Nebuchadnezzar, which is a historical fact. His kingdom was the greatest kingdom of men, and anybody with one or more brain-cells between his ears knew he wasn’t to be messed with, in any form. One night the king had a dream and it bothered him, mainly because he was convinced it (the dream) had a meaning. As a king had every right to do, he asked the wise men of his kingdom to tell him the meaning. They asked him to explain the dream and said they would then interpret it for him. But being the king, and no doubt knowing anybody could say pretty well whatever they wanted for an interpretation, he said (just so he knew they were genuine) that they needed to tell him what the dream was and then give him the interpretation, which of course, they couldn’t. So, a major impasse arose for all concerned, especially as he had said that they would lose their lives (Dan2:12) if they could not do so.
Being part of the king’s palace personnel meant Daniel’s life wasn’t as secure as he would have wanted it to be. Rather than panic, he went into the king himself and asked for some time, so that he might show the king (the dream) and the interpretation. He then prayed to God, asking Him to tell him the dream and the interpretation, which is exactly what happened. As amazing as these happenings were, they pale into insignificance when compared to what was to come.
“…when you sincerely call on God, He hears you and He answers.”
So, Daniel prayed with a few of his fellow captive friends and as is always the case when you sincerely call on God, He hears you and He answers. Yes, the God who created everything hears and delivers, and that is precisely what he did for Daniel. Daniel was told (or shown) by God what the dream was and was also given the interpretation, which, I reckon, is amazing and incredible rolled into one. He was then taken to the king and confidently proceeded to explain what had been revealed by God.
Daniel explains Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
“…we can only wonder at what Nebuchadnezzar was thinking as he realised this, maybe 18-year-old, captive boy from Judah, was perfectly correct in telling his dream…”
The dream was explained to Nebuchadnezzar, and we can only wonder at what Nebuchadnezzar was thinking as he realised this, maybe 18-year-old, captive boy from Judah, was perfectly correct in telling his dream and then the interpretation. Daniel explained that in the dream the king saw the great image of a man, whose form was terrifying. This image was made up of differing metals. The head was gold, the shoulders, breast and arms were silver, the belly and thighs were brass, the legs were iron, and the feet part iron and part clay. The king saw a stone that was cut out without hands, strike the image, and break it to pieces until it became as “chaff on the summer threshing floor” and the wind carried them (not it) away and no place was found for them (not it). The stone that struck the image became a great mountain and it filled the whole Earth.
Daniel then boldly (but not arrogantly) told the king that he would give the interpretation of the dream. What courage he had! I find it extremely difficult to comprehend, but he did it, and he did it very, very well.
He told the king that God had given him a kingdom with power, glory and strength – this was the head of gold. After him would arise another kingdom, inferior to his – this was the silver section. Then another kingdom would rule over the (then known) Earth – this was the brass belly and thighs. Then a fourth kingdom (the iron legs) would subdue all things and break them in pieces, but would weaken with time, as portrayed in the feet being part iron and part clay. It would be in the times of this part iron, part clay (people) that the God of heaven would set up a kingdom that would NEVER be destroyed and this kingdom would not be left to another people and it would stand FOREVER. And guess what the king did after he heard all these things – he bowed himself before Daniel and exalted Daniel’s God and made Daniel a great man in the kingdom of Babylon
A rendering of the ancient city of Babylon.
So, a great story, but there’s more, a lot more.
“What is phenomenal is that dream, in its most simplistic form, has perfectly described the coming and going of every major kingdom (in that area) since Babylon.”
As I mentioned earlier, this dream and interpretation occurred over 2500 years ago. What is phenomenal is that dream, in its most simplistic form, has perfectly described the coming and going of every major kingdom (in that area) since Babylon.
Babylon was conquered by an inferior kingdom, which was the Medo-Persian empire, approximately 68 years later. That kingdom/empire lasted around 200 years and then was overthrown by Alexander the Great and his Grecian army. That kingdom/empire lasted just over 300 years and then the Romans became a very strong, very dominant force that remained that way until the Roman Empire morphed into the HOLY Roman Empire, which was a weaker version when compared to the original Roman army. It was still very deliberate in controlling a large amount of people, but not as ruthless (in appearance) or as powerful as the Roman armies that dominated for around 600 years after the Grecian conquest.
It was during the reign of the Romans that the greatest events that have ever taken place on our Earth took place. God very deliberately intervened in the affairs of men and began a kingdom that shall never end. Like all, transformations in life, this kingdom needed something perfect to die on behalf of mankind, and this is exactly what happened. Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal God (as the Bible very clearly prophesied) willingly gave His life so that the kingdom of God could be established on our little planet, and this can be factually proven. What we hope, as part of this journey in prophecies and fact finding, is that you discover the truth for yourself. This is a journey which we can only guide for it to have an everlasting impact on your life
A point of interest is that in Daniel chapter 7, is the same account as in Daniel 2, but this time the empires are identified with different symbolism. In this chapter the third kingdom (which was the Grecian kingdom) is prophesied to divide into four. This happened after the death of Alexander the Great, as four of his generals took command. That type of accuracy is challenging, even if we are doubtful. It was spoken approximately 300 years before the event, was very specific, and it came to pass so literally.
Like all things in truth, there should be a reference back to the original material
To read the scripture of Daniel 2 click here
To read the scripture of Daniel 7 click here